This week for #FoodieFriday we are featuring another recipe from the kitchen of our wine maker Amanda. You may not know that Amanda was a vegetarian for 13 years, and still likes to cook a lot of meatless dishes. This recipe for Black Bean Vegetarian Chili is another one of her favorites.
As we approach the colder weather there is nothing like curling up with a big bowl of warm & spicy chili. A fun way to spice up a bowl of chili is to add a dash of our Jalapeño Wine! This recipe is fairly spicy on it’s own and will not require a lot of additional spice though. When pairing a wine with this chili recipe or any other remember to pick a medium body red. Choose a red that will be able to balance well with the chili but not get drowned out by the flavors of the chili and hold its own flavor. For example our Foch or Marquette would pair perfectly with this chili recipe. They have black pepper spice but also some fruity notes to them that will compliment the tomatoes and spices in the chili.

Black Bean Vegetarian Chili
2 Onions
4 Cans of Black Beans
1 Can of Diced Tomatoes
1 Can of Corn
2 Tablespoons of Chili Powder
1 Can of Tomato Paste
1 Tablespoon of Olive Oil
1-2 Tablespoons of Jalapeño Wine
Sour Cream
Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Cactus Garnish
1. Chop onions and peppers. Before chopping the peppers, cut out cactus garnishes if desired with small pairing knife. It is easy to do this when cutting the pepper into large pieces. Chop the rest of the pepper into small pieces. Put peppers and onions in a large pot with olive oil. Cook for 5 minutes on medium heat.
2. Rinse 4 cans of black beans and place in pot once peppers and onions have finished cooking. Turn the head down to low on the stove.
3. Add undrained can of diced tomatoes and the can of corn.
4. Add the can of tomato paste and refill the can with water 3 times and add the water to the pot as well.
5. Add the 2 Tablespoons of chili powder and the desired amount of Jalapeño Wine. Stir everything together well.
6. Cook on low for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
7. Using a ladle put chili in a bowl and top with cheese, sour cream, and cactus garnish.
*This recipe can also be made in a crock pot. Just place all ingredients in a crock pot on low for 4-6 hours.*
If you have a recipe you would like to see featured on our #FoodieFriday blog, please email it to us at!
Thank you for reading & we hope you enjoy cooking this week’s recipe! For more delicious recipes visit