October Wineo Bingo Supports Special Olympics

October Wineo Bingo: Support the Special Olympics

We’re excited to announce a fantastic opportunity for some fun, philanthropy, and, of course, wine! At Timber Hill Winery, we’re passionate about supporting great causes, and for our October Wineo […]

September Wineo Bingo for Emmy’s Wish

Emmy's Wish

Timber Hill Winery, a family-owned winery located in Wisconsin, is proud to announce that Emmy’s Wish will be their Wineo Bingo non-profit organization for the month of September. As a […]

August Wineo Bingo Supports Humane Society

Image of a dog from the Humane Society that was supported during the August Wineo Bingo. Black Dog has toy in mouth and is staring at the camera.

Wineo Bingo at Timber Hill Winery: Cheers to Helping Pets in August! There’s a special kind of joy that comes from combining great wine, good company, and a heartwarming cause. […]