Dos and Don’ts of Storing Wine at Home From Janesville Winery

If you’re a wine lover, you probably have a few bottles (or more!) of wine stored at home. After all, what could be better than having some of your favorite wine on hand for those special occasions? 

But before you start stockpiling bottles in your home, there are a few things you should know from your Janesville Winery. With a little bit of care, you can ensure that your wine will stay fresh and delicious for years to come!

Here are some dos and don’ts of storing wine at home, courtesy of your

favorite Janesville Winery.

    • DO store your wine in a cool, dark place.

Sunlight and heat can cause your wine to spoil, so it’s best to store it in a temperature-controlled environment like a wine cellar or cooler. Wine should be stored at a consistent temperature of 55 degrees Fahrenheit. 

If you don’t have access to a wine cellar, any cool, dark room in your home will do. Just make sure to avoid places like the kitchen or laundry room where the temperature fluctuates frequently. 


    • DON’T store your wine in the fridge.

Most home refrigerators are too cold for wine and can dry out the cork, causing the wine to spoil. If you must store your wine in the fridge, put it in the warmest spot possible (usually near the back). 


    • DO invest in a wine fridge if you have the space.

A wine fridge is designed to maintain the ideal temperature and humidity for storing wine. If you have a large collection or are serious about your wine, this purchase is worth it. Think of it as an insurance policy for your wine; you’ve already invested quite a bit in your collection, so it makes sense to protect your investment.


    • DON’T store your wine bottles upright.

While you may think storing your wine upright is the correct way because that’s how you buy it at the store, it actually isn’t the correct way and shouldn’t remain upright for too long. Storing your wine bottles on their side helps to make sure that the cork stays moist. If the cork dries out, it can shrink and allow oxygen to enter the bottle, causing your wine to spoil. 


    • DO use a Wine Rack.

Investing in a dedicated storage solution for your wine is always a good idea. Wine racks and cabinets help keep your bottles organized and prevent them from toppling over and breaking. If you’re short on space, look for compact solutions like wall-mounted wine racks or countertop cabinets. 

A well-made wine rack will keep your bottles safely stored while also allowing air to circulate around them. This is important because wines need to “breathe” in order to reach their full flavor potential. 


    • DON’T store your wine in the sunlight.

Ultraviolet light can break down the chemicals in wine, causing it to spoil prematurely. Not only does this ruin the wine, but it also robs you of the chance to enjoy its flavor. So next time you’re selecting a spot to store your wine, make sure it’s away from the windows. Your taste buds will thank you.


    • DO age your wine properly. 

There’s nothing quite like a glass of wine that has been aged to perfection. The rich flavor and smooth texture are a testament to the power of patience. But unfortunately, not all wines are meant to be aged. In fact, many young wines are actually better when enjoyed immediately. So how can you tell if a wine is meant for aging?

Look for these three things: tannins, acidity, and sugar levels. Wines with high levels of tannins and acidity tend to improve with age, as these components help preserve the flavor of the wine. On the other hand, wines with high sugar levels will often taste better when they’re young and fresh. Check the label for guidance on aging. With a little knowledge from a Janesville Winery, you can enjoy your wine at its best.

By following these simple storage tips from our Janesville Winery, you can ensure that your wine stays fresh and delicious for years to come. So go ahead and stock up on your favorite bottles—just make sure to give them the care and attention they deserve!