Summer Wines From Timber Hill Winery

“It’s a smile; it’s a kiss, it’s a sip of wine . . . it’s summertime!” – Kenny Chesney

They’re called the lazy days of summer, but we often fill our summer schedules to the brim with busyness. There are gardens and lawns to maintain, ball games to play, swimming, fishing, home repairs . . . a never-ending To-Do list. All this activity makes those moments we take to slow down, have a cool drink and enjoy ourselves that much more important and cherished. 


New Summer Wines Coming in June

Sizzling summer days are perfect for light, cool foods such as fruit salads, tossed greens and freshly caught fish from local waters. Timber Hill Winery has a new collection of sweet, fruity summer wines designed to be paired with this tempting fare. These new blends are available starting June 1st.

You might enjoy a bottle of the new Pineapple, or Strawberry flavored wines alongside your fish and tales of the one that got away. If you’re craving something lemony to quench your thirst, we’re also bringing a lemon wine to the table. In place of afternoon tea, this sweet wine, along with some crisp cookies or crackers, will make a delightful snack. Last but certainly not least, Timber Hill has designed a watermelon blend that will bring just the right touch to dinners cooked on the grill. The perfect way to cool off after a long hot day in the sun.


Not Sure? Try A Wine Tasting

If you’re unsure which wine you would enjoy or need to decide what to serve at your next family gathering, a wine tasting is an excellent decision-making aid. Schedule a summer wines tasting with a few friends for a relaxing afternoon break or make an evening of it along with a tour of the Winery. Timber Hill Winery has events scheduled all through June and invites you to visit, find your new favorite wine and visit with friends new and old.