Which wines pair best with Turkey Day staples?

Wondering which Timber Hill wines will go best with your Thanksgiving dishes? Wonder no more! We are here to lay it out for you!

Mashed Potatoes

You buttery mashed potatoes will go best with a delicious, sweet white, such as Selfie Sangria.

Green Bean Casserole

The bitterness from the green beans is best paired with a sweet red, like Throwback Thursday.

Cranberry Sauce

The tartness of the cranberries along with the sweetness of the sauce would go best with a fruiter red. Our Frontenac would be perfect.


Pumpkin Pie

This classic semi-sweet wine would go wonderfully with our classic semi-sweet white, Widows Weekend.


The Bird

The star of the show needs a perfect partner. The bold juicy flavors of the Thanksgiving Turkey would pair like a dream with our slightly tart La Crescent wine.

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of love, family (even if from afar) and, of course, lots of food!